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A cat named Cheche01

Today, as soon as I arrived home, Carcar came running towards me.

"I want to go out!" he shouted.

I saw him squatting by the French window, not even looking back, staring outside, and I knew he wanted to go wild in the yard again. So I teased him, saying, "Where do you want to go? Do you want to be a stray cat outside the door?"

"I want to go out!" He turned his head and gave me a look as if I were mentally challenged, then turned back and shouted again.

I looked at him angrily, thinking that you, a nearly 12-pound fatso, dare to look down on me, a slightly chubby person. It's a bit too much. But because of his usual cat-like behavior, allowing me to pet and hold him, I quickly forgave him. So it can be said that cute creatures have innate advantages. From this, it can be seen that many beautiful girls and handsome guys online should be fictional, because I have never seen such a high density in real life. Either the so-called good ones are always rare, or the world is in chaos. From the current level of social stability, it is probably true that there are not so many high-value people. However, this law is somewhat different when it comes to cats. It's certainly delightful to have a good coat color, but even if it's crooked, it still has a bit of a comedian's charm, making it hard to dislike. The fatso in front of me is the same. He has a pointed face and chubby belly, just like a large gray rat. If Ah Kuang and I saw a gray rat, we would probably jump up and scream, but when we encounter him, we can't help but want to stick him to us and take him with us. Therefore, it can be concluded that almost all cats are cute. Although this is just my biased opinion, judging from the popularity of cat videos online, this conclusion is probably reliable.

"I want to go out, let me out!" Carcar saw that I was ignoring him and started shouting again.

"You can go out, but it's so cold outside. If you go out, you'll be frozen like an ice popsicle. I won't come to save you then." I saw that he was getting annoyed, so I started scaring him.

He turned his head and stared at me, as if he finally realized that I wouldn't let him go out and have fun. He let out a low growl and lay down, sulking.

I watched him like this for a while. Although he stopped shouting, it seemed that he still refused to change his mind and kept squatting by the French window. Seeing his chicken-like posture, with the joints of his front paws raised high on both sides of his back, and the fur there all scattered, and his ears slightly pressed back, he looked pitiful. So I felt pity and started to think that I was being a bit too much. If he wants to go wild in the yard, just let him go. It's not a big deal. Why should I stop him? I thought about how my parents sometimes prevent me from doing even legitimate things. Do I also want to become an old-fashioned and stubborn person in other people's eyes? I suddenly felt a bit sweaty and extremely guilty. So I finally got up from the sofa, walked over, and helped Carcar open the window.

"You can go out!" I said to him.

Carcar hesitated and looked at me, finally realizing that this stubborn person was willing to let him go out and have fun. He became happy instantly, raised his tail high, and slipped into the yard from my feet.

Five minutes later, I caught him and brought him back inside. The reason was that as soon as he entered the yard, when I wasn't paying attention, he started messing with the pot of cat grass that had just sprouted. I first ordered him to stop, then scolded him, and finally, when he pulled out the fifth sprout, I grabbed his neck from above and held him in my arms, bringing him back to the living room. He waved his paws in my arms, and there was some dirt on them, which was really annoying.

Well, I guess I can't be a good parent to the next generation after all.

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