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Install Vivado 2024.1 on Ubuntu 24.04.1

Since I usually use a Macbook for my laptop, I need to connect to the Vivado server at home to compile when I go out. Recently, I got a small host from a friend at a friendly price, and I happened to use the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version on it. However, when installing Vivado, it has been stuck at the "Generate device list" stage.

This issue has actually been around for several years, and the most likely cause is the lack of the libtinfo5 and libncurses5 packages, which many people have mentioned in the community.

Installation - Ubuntu files required to run Vivado properly

couldn't load file "": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

In this case, the most recommended solution is to download the tar package and execute it yourself, as canceling the installer download will delete all downloaded files (even if you click to keep them).

If you must use the installer and get stuck at the device list, kill the process named vivado, and any subsequent vivado processes. The installer will display a warning box, click OK all the way, and finish the downloader.

Install %VITIS_INSTALL_DIR%/scripts/

Install libtinfo5

sudo apt update  
sudo apt install libtinfo-dev  
sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Install libncurses5

sudo apt install libncurses5-dev

Vivado on Linux does not automatically install the cable driver, so we need to install it ourselves.

cd ${vivado_install_dir}/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/

sudo ./install_drivers

In my case, I can now start Vivado normally, compile, and burn without any issues. If you still encounter problems, consider manually executing the generate device list.

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